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mouse Abcb1a

Synonyms: P, P-, Evi, Mdr, Pgp, Pgy, Mdr3, P-gp, Pgy-, Pgy3, mdr-, Abcb4, Evi32, Mdr1a, Pgy-3, mdr-3

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Expression Data
Substrate Information
Inhibitor Information
Clinical Drug-drug Interactions

Expression Data

Expression data for other tissues could be found in http://pharmacogenetics.ucsf.edu/gtex/index.html

No expression data.

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In Vitro Substrates

No substrate information.

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In Vitro Inhibitors

Inhibitor IC50 (μM) Ki (μM) Substrate used Cell System Reference
Aldrin 26.2 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane 26.8 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Astemizole 1.3 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Cimetidine >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Clotrimazole 4.8 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Colchicine >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Cyclosporine 4.8 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Dexamethasone >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Dieldrin 21.8 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Digoxin >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
DPDE (enkephalin) >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Endrin 1.1 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Erythromycin >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Etoposide >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane 82.6 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Heptachlor 10.4 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Hydrocortisone >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Itraconazole 0.2 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Ivermectin 0.5 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Ivermectin 0.4 Rhodamine 123 LLC-PK1 cells Lespine, 2006
Ketoconazole 3.8 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Methoxychlor (nonspecific) 21.7 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Mibefradil 7.4 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Miconazole 7.8 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Midazolam >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Mirex 3 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Morphine >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Nelfinavir 2.3 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Nicardipine 2.5 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
PBDE-100 23.2 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PBDE-209 6.5 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PBDE-47 22.6 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PBDE-49 35.6 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-118 15.9 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-134 12.5 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-142 6.1 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-145 4.4 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-146 12.8 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-147 23.6 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-152 22 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-153 21.8 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-154 14.3 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-161 43.2 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-168 25.8 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-169 9.7 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-170 9.2 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-186 6.9 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
PCB-187 11.6 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Perfluorooctanoic acid 156.5 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Pimozide 4.9 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
p,p'-DDD 72.5 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
p,p'-DDE 31.3 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
p,p'-DDT 25.6 Verapamil Purified, detergent-solubilized protein Nicklisch, 2016
Quinidine 13 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Ranitidine >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Ritonavir 50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Saquinavir >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Terfenadine 23 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Verapamil 10 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
Vinblastine >50 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003

ND = not determined
1 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
2 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
3 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
4 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022

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Clinical Drug-Drug Interactions

No drug-drug interaction information.

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