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Synonyms: ABC29, ABCC, DKFZp686N04233, DKFZp781G125, GS-X, MRP, MRP1

Entrez Gene Link

Expression Data
Substrate Information
Inhibitor Information
Clinical Drug-drug Interactions

Expression Data

Expression data for other tissues could be found in http://pharmacogenetics.ucsf.edu/gtex/index.html

Asterisk indicates important transporters in the organ as identified in the organ diagram.

Organ Source Relative Expression
Brain Nishimura    0.00855
Kidney* Nishimura    0.0141
Liver* Nishimura    0.00330
Placenta* Nishimura    0.0224
Small Intestine* Nishimura    0.0184
Kidney* Mean across all PMT Samples 7.555
Liver* Mean across all PMT Samples    0.811
Note that relative expression values should only be compared between entries of the same source.

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In Vitro Substrates

Substrate Km (μM) Cell System Reference
2-chloro-N-(2-methyl-6ethylphenyl)acetamide-SG 23.8 Sf9 cell membrane vesicles Oosterhuis, 2008
4-hydroxynonenal-glutathione 1.6 MRP1-expressing High Five vesicles Renes, 2000
Aflatoxin B1-glutathione 0.189 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Loe, 1997
Citalopram 1.99 MRP1-expressing HEK293 vesicles Lee, 2010
Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide 2.5 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Loe, 1996
Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide 1.5 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Jedlitschky, 1996
Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide 1.5 MRP1-expressing HEK293 vesicles Cui, 1999
Estrone sulfate 0.73 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Qian, 2001
Estrone sulfate 2.1 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Qian, 2001
Estrone sulfate 4.2 MRP1-expressing HEK vesicles Nunoya, 2003
Leukotriene C4 0.097 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Leier, 1994
Leukotriene C4 0.167 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Qian, 2001
Leukotriene C4 0.067 HeLa cell membrane vesicles Leslie, 2001
Methotrexate 2150 MRP1-expressing HEK293 vesicles Zeng, 2001
Methotrexate 930 MRP1-expressing MCF7 vesicles Paumi, 2003
NNAL-O-glucuronide 39 HeLa cell membrane vesicles Leslie, 2001
Para-aminohippurate 372 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Leier, 2000
S-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-glutathione 3.6 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Jedlitschky, 1996

ND = not determined
1 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
2 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
3 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
4 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022

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In Vitro Inhibitors

Inhibitor IC50 (μM) Ki (μM) Substrate used Cell System Reference
17beta-estradiol-3-sulfate 0.38 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Qian, 2001
Curcumin 15 Ethacrynic acid glutathione MRP1-expressing Sf9 vesicles Wortelboer, 2003
Cyclosporine 5 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Leier, 1994
Estrone sulfate 0.45 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Qian, 2001
Genistein 80 2',7'-bis-(3-carboxy-propyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCPCF) human erythrocytes Lania-Pietrzak, 2005
Indomethacin 7 2',7'-bis-(3-carboxy-propyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCPCF) human erythrocytes Lania-Pietrzak, 2005
Ivermectin 3.8 Calcein AM HL60 cells Lespine, 2006
Ivermectin - 0.5 N-ethylmaleimide-GS Sf9 cell membranes Lespine, 2006
Kaempferol 2.4 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Leslie, 2001
MK-571 3.5 2',7'-bis-(3-carboxy-propyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein (BCPCF) human erythrocytes Lania-Pietrzak, 2005
MK-571 5 Calcein AM MDCK II-MRP1 Wortelboer, 2003
MK-571 134.7 Doxorubicin 2008/P-MRP1 Wong, 2009
MK-571 0.6 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Leier, 1994
MK571 2 Calcein AM HL60 cells Lespine, 2006
Myricetin 13.3 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Leslie, 2001
Quercetin 8.1 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Leslie, 2001
Valspodar 27 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Leier, 1994
Verapamil 13.2 Doxorubicin 2008/P-MRP1 Wong, 2009

ND = not determined
1 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
2 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
3 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
4 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022

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Clinical Drug-Drug Interactions

DDI Implicated Transporter Interacting Drug Affected Drug AUC Cmax CLR CL/F t1/2 Effect on PD Reference More Details
Clinical PK Impact(fold change)
1 MRPs Probenecid Cefmetazole 1.6 NS 0.6 0.6 1.5 ND Ko, 1989 DDI 1
2 OATs/MRPs Probenecid Ciprofloxacin 1.7 NS 0.4 0.6 1.5 ND Jaehde, 1995 DDI 2
3 OATs/MRPs Probenecid Furosemide 2.7 1.5 0.3 0.4 1.7 ND Vree, 1995 DDI 3

The transporters are implicated by in vitro data and/or studies in humans with genetic polymorphisms of the transporter
DDI = Drug Drug Interaction
PK = pharmacokinetic
PD = pharmacodynamic
ND = not determined
NS = not significant
N/A = information not available
Calculation of Fold Change: fold change in the presence of the interacting drug = (value with interacting drug)/(value without interacting drug)
fold change > 1: increase in pharmacokinetic value
fold change < 1: decrease in pharmacokinetic value
1 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
2 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
3 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
4 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022

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