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Synonyms: NTCP

Entrez Gene Link

Expression Data
Substrate Information
Inhibitor Information
Clinical Drug-drug Interactions

Expression Data

Expression data for other tissues could be found in http://pharmacogenetics.ucsf.edu/gtex/index.html

Asterisk indicates important transporters in the organ as identified in the organ diagram.

Organ Source Relative Expression
Brain Nishimura    0.00260
Kidney Nishimura    0.00185
Liver* Nishimura    0.486
Placenta Nishimura    0.00246
Small Intestine Nishimura    0.00138
Kidney Mean across all PMT Samples    0.0470
Liver* Mean across all PMT Samples 109.897
Note that relative expression values should only be compared between entries of the same source.

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In Vitro Substrates

Substrate Km (μM) Cell System Reference
Cholate 12 HeLa-NTCP Ho, 2004
Estrone sulfate 27 HeLa-NTCP Ho, 2004
Glycoursodeoxycholate 0.376 HEK-NTCP Maeda, 2006
Pitavastatin 15.1 NTCP-expressing oocytes Fujino, 2005
Rosuvastatin 65 HeLa-NTCP Ho, 2006
Taurocholate 7.9 HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999
Taurocholate 7.5 HeLa-NTCP Ho, 2004
Taurocholate 2.1 HEK-NTCP Leslie, 2007
Tauroursodeoxycholate 3.49 HEK-NTCP Maeda, 2006

ND = not determined
1 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
2 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
3 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
4 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022

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In Vitro Inhibitors

Inhibitor IC50 (μM) Ki (μM) Substrate used Cell System Reference
(R)-propanolol 5.5 Taurocholate HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999
(S)-propanolol 6.1 Taurocholate HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999
Bosentan 18 Taurocholate HEK293-ASBT Leslie, 2007
Bromsulphthalein 7.3 Taurocholate HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999
Cholate 5.3 Taurocholate HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999
Cyclosporine 0.37 Rosuvastatin HeLa-NTCP Ho, 2006
Cyclosporine 1 Taurocholate HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999
Furosemide 15 Taurocholate HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999
Gemfibrozil 23 Rosuvastatin HeLa-NTCP Ho, 2006
Ketoconazole 264 Taurocholate HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999
Tetrabromobisphenol A 4.5 Taurocholate HEK293 cells Bruyere, 2017
Ursodeoxycholate 3.6 Taurocholate HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999

ND = not determined
1 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
2 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as in vitro inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
3 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical substrates for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022
4 denotes drugs that can potentially be used as clinical inhibitors for studies of the transporter as defined by the FDA as of March 2022

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Clinical Drug-Drug Interactions

No drug-drug interaction information.

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