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Estrone sulfate

Substrate Information
Inhibitor Information
Clinical Drug-drug Interactions

In Vitro Substrates

* denotes drugs that can potentially be used for in vivo (clinical) studies of the designated transporter
Transporter Synonyms Km (μM) Cell System Reference
SLC22A11 OAT4 1.01 OAT4-expressing oocytes Cha, 2000
ABCC1 MRP1 0.73 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Qian, 2001
ABCC1 MRP1 2.1 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Qian, 2001
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 12.5 HEK293-OATP1B1 Cui, 2001
SLCO2B1 OATP2B1, OATP-B 6.3 OATP2B1-expressing oocytes Kullak-Ublick, 2001
SLC22A8 OAT3 7.5 S2-OAT3 Takeda, 2000
SLC22A8 OAT3 3.1 OAT3-expressing oocytes Cha, 2001
SLC22A8 OAT3 2.21 S2-OAT3 Takeda, 2001
SLC22A11 OAT4 9.9 S2-OAT4 Takeda, 2002
ABCG2 BCRP, MXR 16.6 BCRP-expressing vesicles from mouse lymphoma (P388) cells Suzuki, 2003
OSTalpha OSTA 320 OSTalpha-OSTbeta expressing oocytes Seward, 2003
OSTbeta OSTB 320 OSTalpha-OSTbeta expressing oocytes Seward, 2003
ABCC1 MRP1 4.2 MRP1-expressing HEK vesicles Nunoya, 2003
ABCG2 BCRP, MXR 6.8 BCRP-expressing K562 vesicles Imai, 2003
SLCO2B1 OATP2B1, OATP-B 8.09 HEK293-OATP2B1 Nozawa, 2004
SLC10A1 NTCP 27 HeLa-NTCP Ho, 2004
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 0.46 HEK293-OATP1B1 Hirano, 2004
SLCO2B1 OATP2B1, OATP-B 7.14 HEK293-OATP2B1 Satoh, 2005
SLC22A8 OAT3 6.3 HEK293-OAT3 Ueo, 2005
SLC22A8 OAT3 6.3 HEK293 cells Ueo, 2005
SLCO2B1 OATP2B1, OATP-B 20.9 HEK293-OATP2B1 Hirano, 2006
SLCO1A2 OATP1A2, OATP-A 13.6 HEK293-OATP1A2 Badagnani, 2006
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 0.23 CHO-OATP1B1 Noe, 2007
SLCO2B1 OATP2B1, OATP-B 10.2 HEK293-OATP2B1 Noe, 2007
SLC47A1 MATE1 470 HEK293-MATE1 Tanihara, 2007
SLC47A2 MATE2K 850 HEK293-MATE2K Tanihara, 2007
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 2.4 CHO-OATP1B1 Gui, 2008
SLCO1B3 OATP1B3, OATP8 58 CHO-OATP1B3 Gui, 2008
SLC22A8 OAT3 2.18 COS7-OAT3 Duan, 2009
rat_Slco1a1 Oatp1, OATP-1, Slc21a1, Slc21a3 22.9 CHO cells Yang, 2009
SLC22A11 OAT4 38.1 CHO cells Yang, 2010
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 0.0872 HEK-OATP1B1 Chapy, 2015
SLC22A8 OAT3 21.2 HEK293 cells Bruyere, 2017

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In Vitro Inhibitors

* denotes drugs that can potentially be used for in vivo (clinical) studies of the designated transporter
Transporter Synonyms Inhibitor IC50 (μM) Ki (μM) Substrate used Cell System Reference
SLC22A8 OAT3 Estrone sulfate 1 6-carboxyfluorescein HEK293-OAT3 Zou, 2021
SLC22A6 OAT1 Estrone sulfate 170 6-carboxyfluorescein HEK293-OAT1 Zou, 2021
SLCO1B3 OATP1B3, OATP8 Estrone sulfate 97.1 Cholecystokinin octapeptide HEK293-OATP1B3 Ishiguro, 2006
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Estrone sulfate 0.0449 Dichlorofluorescein HEK-OATP1B1 Izumi, 2016
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Estrone sulfate 0.79 Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide HEK293-OATP1B1 Ishiguro, 2006
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Estrone sulfate 0.2 Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide CHO-OATP1B1 Gui, 2009
OSTalpha OSTA Estrone sulfate >200 Estrone sulfate OSTalpha-OSTbeta expressing oocytes Seward, 2003
OSTbeta OSTB Estrone sulfate >200 Estrone sulfate OSTalpha-OSTbeta expressing oocytes Seward, 2003
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Estrone sulfate 0.06 Fluorescein-Methotrexate CHO-OATP1B1 Gui, 2010
ABCC1 MRP1 Estrone sulfate 0.45 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Qian, 2001

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Clinical Drug-Drug Interactions

No drug-drug interaction information.

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