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Substrate Information
Inhibitor Information
Clinical Drug-drug Interactions

In Vitro Substrates

* denotes drugs that can potentially be used for in vivo (clinical) studies of the designated transporter
Transporter Synonyms Km (μM) Cell System Reference
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp 8.4 MDR1-expressing LLC-PK1 cells Saeki, 1993
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp 3.8 MDR1-expressing Caco-2 cells Fricker, 1996

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In Vitro Inhibitors

* denotes drugs that can potentially be used for in vivo (clinical) studies of the designated transporter
Transporter Synonyms Inhibitor IC50 (μM) Ki (μM) Substrate used Cell System Reference
SLCO1B3 OATP1B3, OATP8 Cyclosporine 0.3 Amanitin MDCK II-OATP1B3 Letschert, 2006
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 1.88 0.82 Atorvastatin HEK-OATP1B1 Karlgren, 2012
ABCG2 BCRP, MXR Cyclosporine 1.4 Basal activity High Five insect cell crude membranes Pawarode, 2007
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 0.3 Bosentan CHO-OATP1B1 Treiber, 2007
SLCO1B3 OATP1B3, OATP8 Cyclosporine 0.8 Bosentan CHO-OATP1B1 Treiber, 2007
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 3.5 Bromsulphthalein MDCK II-OATP1B1 Letschert, 2006
SLCO1B3 OATP1B3, OATP8 Cyclosporine 0.3 Bromsulphthalein MDCK II-OATP1B3 Letschert, 2006
SLCO2B1 OATP2B1, OATP-B Cyclosporine 20 Bromsulphthalein MDCK II-OATP2B1 Letschert, 2006
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 3.4 Calcein AM CEM cells Tiberghien, 1996
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.8 Calcein AM MDR1-expressing CEM/VLB100 cells Wigler, 1999
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 7 Calcein AM Caco-2 cells Eneroth, 2001
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.7 Calcein AM NIH-3T3-G185 cells Wang, 2001
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 4.66 Calcein AM MDR1-expressing LLC-PK1 cells Ekins, 2002
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 0.8 Calcein AM MDR1 expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
mouse_Abcb1a Mdr, Pgp, Pgy, Mdr3, P-gp, Abcb4, Mdr1a Cyclosporine 4.8 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1a expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
mouse_Abcb1b mdr, Mdr1, Pgy1, Abcb1, Mdr1b, Pgy-1 Cyclosporine 0.7 Calcein AM Mouse mdr1b expressing LLC-PK1 cells Schwab, 2003
ABCC2 MRP2, cMOAT Cyclosporine 10 Calcein AM MDCK II-MRP2 Wortelboer, 2003
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 9.3 Calcein AM MDR1 expressing MDCK2 cells Tong, 2007
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.4 Calcein AM MDR1 expressing A2780/ADR cells Muller, 2007
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.4 Calcein AM MDR1 expressing A2780/ADR cells Muller, 2008
ABCC2 MRP2, cMOAT Cyclosporine 13.6 Calcein AM MRP2-expressing MDCK-II cells Leyers, 2008
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.4 Calcein AM MDR1 expressing A2780/ADR cells Klinkhammer, 2009
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 0.9 Calcein AM Doxorubicin-resistant A2780 adr cells Juvale, 2013
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 0.9 Calcein AM MDR1 expressing A2780/ADR cells Kohler, 2015
ABCC2 MRP2, cMOAT Cyclosporine 20 Calcein AM MRP2-expressing MDCK-II cells Baiceanu, 2016
ABCC2 MRP2, cMOAT Cyclosporine 25.6 Calcein AM MRP2-expressing MDCK-II cells Baiceanu, 2016
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.2 Calcein AM MDR1 expressing A2780/ADR cells Krapf, 2017
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 0.238 Cerivastatin MDCK II-OAT1B1 Shitara, 2003
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 2.32 Cilostazol HEK-OATP1B1 Wang, 2017
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.36 Colchicine MDCK II-MDR1 Rautio, 2006
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.4 Daunorubicin NIH-3T3-G185 cells Wang, 2001
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 0.1 Daunorubicin MDR1 exressing CCRF-cEM/VCR 1000 cells Jabeen, 2012
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 0.5 0.051 Demethylphalloin HEK293 cells Fehrenbach, 2003
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 0.116 Dichlorofluorescein HEK-OATP1B1 Izumi, 2016
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 3.7 Digoxin MDR1 expressing LLC-PK1 cells Kusunoki, 1998
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.3 Digoxin Caco-2 cells Choo, 2000
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 0.46 Digoxin Caco-2 Tang, 2002
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 2.18 Digoxin MDCK-MDR1 Tang, 2002
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 0.35 Digoxin MDR1-expressing Caco-2 cells Horie, 2003
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.6 Digoxin MDCK II-MDR1 Rautio, 2006
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 0.37 Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide HeLa-OATP1B1 Tirona, 2003
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 0.05 Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide HEK-OATP1B1 Hinton, 2008
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 1.4 1.3 Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide HEK-OATP1B1 Karlgren, 2012
SLCO1B3 OATP1B3, OATP8 Cyclosporine 1.3 1.2 Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide HEK293-OATP1B3 Karlgren, 2012
ABCC2 MRP2, cMOAT Cyclosporine 14.5 Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide Sf9 cell membrane vesicles Morgan, 2013
ABCC3 MRP3 Cyclosporine 23 Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide Sf9 cell membrane vesicles Morgan, 2013
ABCC4 MRP4 Cyclosporine >133 Estradiol-17beta-glucuronide Sf9 cell membrane vesicles Morgan, 2013
ABCG2 BCRP, MXR Cyclosporine 13.4 6.7 Estrone sulfate BCRP membrane vesicles Xia, 2007
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 2.4 Fluo-3 NIH-3T3-G185 cells Wang, 2001
ABCB11 BSEP Cyclosporine 0.93 Glycocholate BSEP-expressing Sf9 vesicles Kis, 2009
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.4 Hoechst 33342 MDR1 expressing A2780/ADR cells Muller, 2008
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.4 Hoechst 33342 MDR1 expressing A2780/ADR cells Pick, 2008
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 4.3 JC-1 NIH-3T3-G185 cells Wang, 2001
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.8 LDS-751 NIH-3T3-G185 cells Wang, 2001
ABCC1 MRP1 Cyclosporine 5 Leukotriene C4 MRP1-expressing HeLa vesicles Leier, 1994
ABCC2 MRP2, cMOAT Cyclosporine 4.7 Leukotriene C4 MRP2-expressing LLC-PK1 vesicles Chen, 1999
ABCG2 BCRP, MXR Cyclosporine 7.8 Methotrexate BCRP membrane vesicles Xia, 2007
ABCC2 MRP2, cMOAT Cyclosporine 21 Monoglucuronosyl bilirubin MRP2-expressing HEK vesicles Kamisako, 1999
ABCB4 MDR3 Cyclosporine ND Not applicable nucleotide trapping with MDR3-expressing Sf9 membranes Smith, 2000
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 0.24 Pitavastatin HEK293-OATP1B1 Hirano, 2006
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.4 Rhodamine 123 MDR1 transfected NIH3T3-G185 Wang, 2001
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.7 Rhodamine 123 NIH-3T3-G185 cells Wang, 2001
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 0.7 Rhodamine 123 MDR1 expressing L5178 cells Broccatelli, 2011
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 2.2 Rosuvastatin OATP1B1-expressing oocytes Simonson, 2004
SLC10A1 NTCP Cyclosporine 0.37 Rosuvastatin HeLa-NTCP Ho, 2006
SLCO1B1 OATP1B1, OATP-C, OATP2, LST-1 Cyclosporine 0.31 Rosuvastatin HeLa-OATP1B1 Ho, 2006
SLCO1B3 OATP1B3, OATP8 Cyclosporine 0.06 Rosuvastatin HeLa-OATP1B3 Ho, 2006
SLCO2B1 OATP2B1, OATP-B Cyclosporine 0.07 Rosuvastatin HEK293-OATP2B1 Ho, 2006
ABCG2 BCRP, MXR Cyclosporine 3.7 Rosuvastatin polarized Caco-2 monolayer Elsby, 2016
ABCB11 BSEP Cyclosporine 0.94 Taurochenodeoxycholate BSEP-expressing Sf9 vesicles Kis, 2009
SLC10A1 NTCP Cyclosporine 1 Taurocholate HeLa-NTCP Kim, 1999
ABCB11 BSEP Cyclosporine 8.4 Taurocholate BSEP-expressing Sf9 vesicles Kis, 2009
ABCB11 BSEP Cyclosporine 18.9 Taurocholate BSEP-expressing Sf9 vesicles Kis, 2009
ABCB11 BSEP Cyclosporine 0.5 Taurocholate Sf9 cell membrane vesicles Morgan, 2013
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 2.1 Tetramethylrosamine NIH-3T3-G185 cells Wang, 2001
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 0.02 Verapamil MDR1-expressing Sf9 vesicles Rao, 1994
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 0.7 Verapamil Sf9 cell membranes Bircsak, 2013
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 1.3 Vinblastine MDR1-expressing LLC-PK1 cells Ekins, 2002
ABCC2 MRP2, cMOAT Cyclosporine 8.11 Vinblastine MDCK II-MRP2 Tang, 2002
ABCB1 MDR1, P-gp Cyclosporine 6.18 Vinblastine MDCK II-MDR1 Rautio, 2006

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Clinical Drug-Drug Interactions

DDI Implicated Transporter* Interacting Drug Affected Drug AUC Cmax CLR CL/F t1/2 Effect on PD Reference More Details
Clinical PK Impact(fold change)
1 ABCB1/OATP1B1 (CYP3A4) Cyclosporine Atorvastatin 15.3 13.7 ND ND ND NS Lemahieu, 2005 DDI 1
2 ABCB1/OATPs Cyclosporine Docetaxel 7.3 5.7 ND ND ND ND Malingre, 2001 DDI 2
3 OATP1B1/OATP1B3 (CYP3A4) Cyclosporine Fluvastatin 3.55 4.1 ND 0.31 NS ND Park, 2001 DDI 3
4 ABCB1/ABCG2/OATP1B1/OATP1B3 Cyclosporine Glecaprevir 5.08 4.51 ND ND ND ND Yu, 2019 DDI 4
5 ABCB1/OATPs Cyclosporine Paclitaxel 8.5 2.0 ND ND ND ND Meerum, 1999 DDI 5
6 ABCG2/OATPs Cyclosporine Pitavastatin 4.6 6.6 ND ND ND ND Livalo Drug Label DDI 6
7 OATP1B1, OATP1B3,OATP2B1 Cyclosporine Pitavastatin 4.60 ND ND ND ND Gessner, 2019 DDI 7
8 ABCC2/OATP1B1 Cyclosporine Pravastatin 9.93 7.78 ND ND 0.75 ND Hedman, 2004 DDI 8
9 OATP1B1 (CYP3A4) Cyclosporine Repaglinide 2.44 1.72 NS ND NS NS Kajosaari, 2005 DDI 9
10 ABCG2/OATPs Cyclosporine Rosuvastatin 5.0 10.6 ND ND ND ND Simonson, 2004 DDI 10
11 ABCG2/OATPs Cyclosporine Rosuvastatin 6.4 18.2 ND ND ND ND Simonson, 2004 DDI 11
12 ABCB1/ABCG2/OATP1B1/OATP1B3 Cyclosporine Voxilaprevir 9.73 14.29 ND ND ND ND Yu, 2019 DDI 12

PK = pharmacokinetic
The transporters are implicated by in vitro data and/or studies in humans with genetic polymorphisms of the transporter
DDI = Drug Drug Interaction
PD = pharmacodynamic
ND = not determined
NS = not significant
N/A = information not available
Calculation of Fold Change: fold change in the presence of the interacting drug = (value with interacting drug)/(value without interacting drug)
fold change > 1: increase in pharmacokinetic value
fold change < 1: decrease in pharmacokinetic value

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