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Substrate Information
Inhibitor Information
Clinical Drug-drug Interactions

In Vitro Substrates

* denotes drugs that can potentially be used for in vivo (clinical) studies of the designated transporter
Transporter Synonyms Km (μM) Cell System Reference
SLC22A2 OCT2 27 HEK293-OCT2 Busch, 1998

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In Vitro Inhibitors

* denotes drugs that can potentially be used for in vivo (clinical) studies of the designated transporter
Transporter Synonyms Inhibitor IC50 (μM) Ki (μM) Substrate used Cell System Reference
SLC47A1 MATE1 Amantadine 7.5 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) CHO-MATE1 Astorga, 2012
SLC47A2 MATE2K Amantadine 89 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) CHO-MATE2K Astorga, 2012
SLC22A2 OCT2 Amantadine 51 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) CHO-OCT2 Sandoval, 2018
SLC47A1 MATE1 Amantadine 37.8 4-(4-dimethylamino)styryl-N-methylpyridinium (ASP+) HEK293-MATE1 Wittwer, 2013
SLC22A2 OCT2 Amantadine 10.1 4-(4-dimethylamino)styryl-N-methylpyridinium (ASP+) CHO-OCT2 Sandoval, 2018
SLC22A2 OCT2 Amantadine 27.1 Metformin CHO-OCT2 Sandoval, 2018
SLC22A1 OCT1 Amantadine 236 N-methylpyridinium HEK293-OCT1 Amphoux, 2006
SLC22A2 OCT2 Amantadine 28.4 N-methylpyridinium HEK293-OCT2 Amphoux, 2006
SLC22A3 OCT3 Amantadine >1000 N-methylpyridinium HEK293-OCT3 Amphoux, 2006
rat_Slc22a1 Oct1, Orct1, Roct1 Amantadine 12.3 N-methylpyridinium HEK293-rOCT1 Amphoux, 2006
rat_Slc22a2 OCT2, OCT2r, rOCT2 Amantadine 81.9 N-methylpyridinium HEK293-rOCT2 Amphoux, 2006
rat_Slc22a3 Oct3 Amantadine >1000 N-methylpyridinium HEK293-rOCT3 Amphoux, 2006
SLC22A2 OCT2 Amantadine 24.5 NBD-MTMA CHO-OCT2 Sandoval, 2018
SLC22A1 OCT1 Amantadine 18.4 Tetraethylammonium HeLa-OCT1 Bednarczyk, 2003
SLC47A1 MATE1 Amantadine 111.8 Tetraethylammonium HEK293-MATE1 Tsuda, 2009
SLC47A2 MATE2K Amantadine 1167 Tetraethylammonium HEK293-MATE2 Tsuda, 2009
SLC22A2 OCT2 Amantadine 32.1 Tetraethylammonium CHO-OCT2 Sandoval, 2018
SLC22A1 OCT1 Amantadine 39.6 YM155 HEK293-OCT1 Minematsu, 2010
SLC22A2 OCT2 Amantadine 45.9 YM155 HEK293-OCT2 Minematsu, 2010

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Clinical Drug-Drug Interactions

No drug-drug interaction information.

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